Unknown committed six attacks on synagogues in two days

Unknown for two days made six attacks on synagogues in New York. This is reported by CNN TV channel with reference to the police.

According to law enforcement officers, four synagogues in the Riverdale area have been attacked, and two of them twice. An unknown knocked the glass stones in the door of the synagogue. All attacks occurred either late at night or early in the morning. Judging by the video surveillance cameras, behind them stands the same person.

Police investigates the incident as a crime on soil hate.

Earlier it was reported that the number of incidents associated with internal terrorism reached a new maximum in the United States, mainly due to supporters of white superiority, antimuslim and anti-government extremists. The victims of attacks were a wide layer of American society, including blacks, Jews, immigrants, representatives of LGBTK, Asian and other color people.

/Media reports.