PACE called on to free navalny and allow doctors to him

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) called on Russia to issue the founder of the Foundation for the fight against corruption (FBK, included the Ministry of Justice in the register of organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent) Alexey Navalny from prison and allow doctors to him. The text of the relevant resolution is published on the organization’s website.

105 deputies voted “for”, 26 – “against”. 11 more abstained.

PACE called on Russia “Immediately and under any circumstances to release Navalny before the next meeting of the Committee of Ministers on Human Rights in June 2021”. In addition, the deputies demanded before the liberation of Navalny give him medical care and to admit the doctor chosen by him.

Navalny is serving a punishment in a correctional colony number 2 (IR-2) in the Vladimir region. At the end of March, it became known about the worsening of his health, on April 19 in the FSIN reported his translation to the hospital for convicts. It was noted that the therapist, neurosurgeon, a neurologist, a nutritionist and a psychiatrist conducted an inspection of the opposition in connection with his complaints of worsening health. He was also made by MRI, ultrasound, ECG.

Earlier by the Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia Tatyana Moskalkova reported that four doctors were not made from the FSIN system.

/Media reports.