American organizations called by Bayden to keep a constructive dialogue with Russia

Almost three dozen American organizations called on US President Joe Bayden to lead a constructive dialogue with Russia. This is reported by Edition The Hill.

According to the publication, we are talking about 27 organizations, among which there are left. They published a statement in which the relationships of the two countries expressed concern, in the arsenals of which are more than 90 percent of world reserves of nuclear weapons. In particular, they meant the statements by Bayden to the Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

“like Americans, we call upon the Biden administration to stop participating in such reckless rhetorical conversations,” they said. Instead, the Organization was advised to go to the President of the United States to “constructive bilateral negotiations aimed at eliminating explicit and immediate threats to the rice of nuclear weapons, more than ever previously obvious.” In addition, they called on Bayden to fulfill the previously stated commitment that “diplomacy is again in the center of foreign policy” US.

/Media reports.