A way to fight with deadly tumors

Scientists from the University of London Queen Mary found a new way to deprive the cancer cells of the energy brain, to prevent their further growth. This is reported in the article published in the journal Nature Communications.

Researchers analyzed the effect of the natural connection of the Inosfat (IP6), which is present in almost all animals and plants. It turned out that it is able to suppress the development of medulloblastoma – the most common brain tumor in children, which is characterized by high deadly. There are several tumor subgroups (Wnt, SHH, G3 and G4), while G4 is the least studied.

Scientists have shown that in G4 tumor cells there are high levels of BMI1 protein, which supports tumor growth. There is also a CHD7 protein that plays a role in the development of this subgroup. However, the activity of BMI1 can be suppressed by processing the IP6 tumor cell. If you combine IP6 with cisplatin (chemotherapeutic drug), then such therapy will kill tumor cells more efficiently.

/Media reports.