Revelation about approach to land of a potentially dangerous asteroid

it became known about the approach to the land of a potentially dangerous asteroid. This is reported on the site NASA.

Asteroid 2001 FO32 will fly past the Earth on Sunday, March 21. It approaches the distance of two million kilometers. The department noted that there are no threats to collisions with our planet. However, such a distance is considered close enough, so this celestial body is considered potentially dangerous.

For the first time asteroid FO32 was discovered in 2001. Astronomers calculated that the next time he would fly past the Earth in 2052. According to scientists, monitoring the space object on Sunday, March 21, will be a good opportunity to get a more detailed idea of ​​the size, composition and surface of the celestial body. Nasa added that its intended diameter varies from 440 to 680 meters.

March 5 reported approximation asteroid Apophis to Earth. Then the cosmic body turned out to be at the most close over the past eight years away from the surface of the planet.

/Media reports.