Protests against hatred for Asians passed in USA

Protests against hatred against people of Asian origin took place in the cities of the United States after the recent shooting in Atlanta (Georgia). This is reported by NBC News.

As the TV channel notes, people massively went to the streets throughout the country – from San Francisco to Pittsburgh. According to one of the participants of the action in Chicago, he does not just express support to the families of the victims, but also hopes to prevent such cases in the future. “For many people in our community, this is the first time we can express your fear and anger,” said Sandra about Pittsburgh.

According to Stop Aapi Hate, during the last year, about 3,800 cases of manifestation of hate against people of Asian origin were identified.

21-year-old American Robert Aaron Long arranged a mass shooting in the vicinity of the city of Atlanta in Georgia on March 17. He shot Asian massage salons by killing eight people. It is believed that the crime was committed precisely on the basis of racial hatred.

among all the victims only one was not a woman, of the eight dead six – Asian origin, including four – from South Korea.

/Media reports.