Coca-Cola to teach employees to “be less white”

Coca-Cola ran an online training course for its employees on how to be “less white.” This was reported by YouTube blogger Karlin Borisenko, who received snapshots of excerpts from the used presentation from one of the company’s employees.

The pictures show that the training is available on the social network LinkedIn and was prepared by the author of the book “White fragility” Robin Diangelo. In particular, one of the slides asks the audience to learn to “be less white”. The lecturer explains what it means to be “less oppressive, less arrogant, less ignorant and more humble”.

The presentation argues that one-off workshops are not enough to tackle the problem of racism. The author of the training states that companies should hold like-minded groups and interracial discussions, and raise racist issues in interviews. In addition, the presentation contains a statement that by 3-4 years old children already understand that it is better to be white.

Earlier, US President Joe Biden said that white racists are the main terrorist threat inside the country. The politician stressed that the supporters of the theories of racial superiority are “mentally ill and dangerous people”.

/Media reports.