Oncologist named clothes that provoke cancer

Russian chemotherapist Andrei Bazylev called the clothes that provoke cancer. This is reported by Channel Five.

According to the doctor, things made from synthetic materials such as polyester increase the risk of cancer. “Usually in the manufacture of this fabric, various substances are added to it: formaldehyde, ammonia, Teflon, phthalates. All these substances can cause respiratory diseases and are quite serious carcinogens,” the oncologist explained.

The doctor added that at the moment there is no scientific evidence that synthetic materials accurately provoke malignant neoplasms. Despite this, Bazylev recommended avoiding prolonged contact with unnatural fabrics, and also advised to abandon synthetic bedding.

In July last year, the manicurist identified lung cancer by the shape of the pensioner’s nails and saved her life. The master drew attention to the strange shape of her elderly client’s nails and recommended that she consult a doctor as soon as possible. At the reception at the hospital, it turned out that the woman actually has lung cancer.

/Media reports.