Wine 6.1 release

An experimental release of the open-source implementation of the Win32 API has taken place Wine 6.1 . Since the release of 6.0, 37 bug reports have been closed and 327 changes have been made. Recall that starting from the 2.x branch, the Wine project switched to a version numbering scheme, in which each stable release leads to an increase in the first digit in the version number (5.0.0, 6.0.0), and updates to stable releases are released with a change in the third digit (6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.0.3). Experimental versions developed in preparation for the next major release are released with a change to the second digit (6.1, 6.2, 6.3).

Most important changes:

  • The WIDL (Wine Interface Definition Language) compiler has extended support for WinRT IDL (Interface Definition Language).
  • The code of the VKD3D project has been updated to version 1.2 with the implementation of Direct3D 12, which works through the translation of calls to the Vulkan graphics API.
  • Added support for translator memory layout Rosetta used in Apple devices with M1 chip.
  • For 32-bit ARM systems, support is provided for the Thumb-2 instruction set.
  • Closed bug reports related to the work of games and applications
    The Witcher 3, The Sims 3,
    Windows Print Preview, Dark Sector, F-Secure BlackLight Engine 2.2.x, Deer Hunter, Rollercoaster Tycoon 3, LabVIEW 2014, ACAT Dashboard, Quest 5.7.x, Skyrim SE, Aldi (Buhl) Steuer 2019/2020, Hearthstone Deck Tracker, SlingPlayer, Star Stable Online, Sniper Elite V2, Batman: Arkham Origins, Studio One 5, Still Life 2, SofTalk 1.56.
/Media reports.